Tuesday 19 November 2019

9 topics not worth discussing at work

You cannot create a strong professional network of contacts if you do not open to colleagues. But the trick is to circumvent 9 topics in a conversation with colleagues. It is they, the ill-fated, who are able to spoil the relationship and career as a whole.
1. That you do not like your job

The last thing someone wants to hear at work is complaints about how much someone hates their work. These are the first markers of you as a negative character of a team, a non-team player, which reduce the morale of the entire team.
2. That you consider someone incompetent

There are always incompetent people in the team. Moreover, often everyone knows everything about these. If you are unable to change the situation (to train / fire / open your eyes to the decision maker), then you should not develop the topic of someone's insolvency. If only because she can turn on you.
3. How much do you earn

If you are not in the habit of hiding your earnings, enter this rule unofficially. No one is motivated by the fact that someone received the award, let it be deserved, but you are not. Competitions among themselves, comparisons of colleagues give rise to envy and negativity. As in the famous joke: "Raise my salary by $ 100, otherwise I will tell everyone that you have already raised me $ 200."
4. On political and religious beliefs

Political views and religious beliefs are so deeply rooted in people that they already divide society into their own and enemies. Each of us has our own ideas about history, political science, we have accumulated a stock of tactics and strategies for conducting combat and foreign economic activity, we have clear beliefs about which religion is the best. But you do not need to imagine yourself the owner of the only true opinion and sow discord, imposing it. It is better to simply bypass these topics.
5. Your intimate life and opinion about the intimate life of others

The good 111% of the people you work with do not want to know about your personal life or discuss the personal lives of mutual acquaintances. Do not impose such conversations and avoid them yourself. This will be the most diplomatic and deliberate step on your part.
6. About your exploits of days gone by

Your past can say a lot about you. If you did something outlandish or stupid 20 years ago, it is not necessary to tell about it on every corner. Only if this act is not somehow connected with your profession and you want to teach a wise lesson, tested on yourself, to your successors.
7. Jokes that colleagues do not perceive

If in a collective your jokes “do not enter”, or even offend others, learn to restrain your comic impulse. Making destructive notes in the workflow, you can become, at least, an outcast.
8. About your ambitions at work

Sounding personal ambitions at work, when they are in direct conflict with the interests of other people, are perceived selfishly. Good employees are those who primarily achieve the goals of the team, and secondly, their personal ones.
9. That you are looking for a new job

Until you have made the final decision to change your job, do not share these plans with anyone. Otherwise, you can be helped in making such a decision by dismissal.

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