Tuesday 19 November 2019

The exact amount of time for daily work and rest is determined.

Known fact: frequent breaks during the working day are very useful for maintaining a healthy working capacity, focus and creative abilities. But do many people deal with such utility in practice?

Last year's University of Toronto research on the principles of organizing lunch breaks in the office environment found that the absence of these breaks reduces productivity. One of the authors of the study, associate professor John Trugakos of the Organization for the Study of the Working Mode and Personnel Management, claims that the supply of psychological energy in the human brain is strictly limited.

“The tasks of monitoring the operating mode are the calculation and replenishment of the supply of psychological energy. When such a psychological reservoir is emptied, a decrease in labor productivity occurs in any field of activity, ”the scientist writes.

Recently, Draugiem Group, a social media research company, supplemented a Canadian study. Researchers set up an experiment, wondering what habits the most efficient workers have. It was found that 10% of employees with the highest labor productivity in some surprising way spend no more time on work than everyone else. Moreover, such employees do not even work out a full eight-hour working day, as take regular breaks. Dry, but very “speaking” figures: on average, after every 52 minutes of active work, such employees rest for 17 minutes.

“The best way to replenish your focus is to step back from the task and take a break,” said productivity expert Katy Sexton, who is not surprised at the overall result of the Draugiem Group study.

Surprisingly, other conclusions of scientific work relating to specific classes during the breaks of those most effective employees.

“17 minutes of relaxation are spent entirely away from the computer - without checking email, without watching YouTube videos,” says Gifford. - Walking, chatting with colleagues (namely chatter, not talking on working topics), solitude for reading books - the most common pastime during breaks of the most productive workers.

The following selection of tips will help you competently organize a sufficient number of breaks during the working day:

    Schedule breaks in your daily work schedule. Ideally, every 52 minutes.
    Set an alarm or “reminder” to know when to return to work.
    The list of scheduled tasks should be realistic. We often underestimate the amount of time required to complete a particular job.
    Before the start of the working day, select the three main goals on which you should focus. And current and constantly arriving tasks need to be marked on another, separate sheet. If necessary, you can change their priorities.

Work.ua wishes everyone to find personal harmony between work and rest, even if it does not coincide with the data of scientists.

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